白 欣,吕梦佳,汪涵虚.化学通报,2017,80(6):593-599.
The Pioneer of Isotope Tracer Method George de Hevesy
投稿时间:2016-09-29  修订日期:2017-01-02
中文关键词:  赫维西  放射性示踪 铪  诺贝尔奖
英文关键词:Hevesy, The  radioactive tracer  method, Hafnium, The  Nobel Prize
白 欣* 首都师范大学初等教育学院 北京 baixin@tsinghua.org.cn 
吕梦佳 首都师范大学物理系 北京  
汪涵虚 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院 呼和浩特
内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院 呼和浩特 
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      19世纪末20世纪初是物理化学和生物化学发展的重要时期,同位素示踪法在一系列示踪剂实验方面取得了许多成就,并且他还把示踪技术应用到生物学领域,用追踪“作了标记”的放射性磷在体内的行踪研究各种生理过程,这一成果为人类认识生命现象的奥秘开辟了到路。同位素示踪法的发明人瑞士籍匈牙利裔化学家乔治.德.赫维西(Geroge de Hevesy,1885-1966),因此获得了1943年诺贝尔化学奖。本文对赫维西生平及学术成长历程进行介绍,反映了赫维西的成长与欧洲当时的诸多科学家之间的学术往来是不可分割的。
      The period from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries was an important time in the development of physical chemistry and biochemistry. It was a time when the isotope tracer method received many achievements in a series of tracer experiments. It was Hungarian Swiss chemist George de Hevesy (1885-1966) who applied tracer technology to the field of biology. And his invention of the isotope tracer method made him receive the 1943 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This paper introduces the life and academic experience of Hevesy which reflects that the growth of Hevesy is inseparable from the academic exchanges with many European scientists at the time.
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