Progress in the Application of Covalent Organic Frame Materials
投稿时间:2023-07-19  修订日期:2023-09-07
中文关键词:  共价有机框架材料  吸附  催化  储能  荧光识别
英文关键词:covalent organic framework materials  adsorption catalysis  energy storage  fluorescence identification
程媛媛 兰州交通大学 chengyuanyuan0319@163.com 
马陇君* 兰州交通大学 malj09@163.com 
安宁 兰州交通大学  
摘要点击次数: 779
全文下载次数: 134
      共价有机框架材料由 C、H、N、O等轻质元素组成,是一种通过共价键连接的晶型材料。近十年来发展迅速,受到研究人员的密切关注。共价有机框架材料具有良好的稳定性、低密度、规则有序的孔道结构、结构的可预测性和可设计性等优点,被广泛地应用到吸附、催化、储能、生物传感器和荧光识别等重要领域,但其存在合成困难、合成方法有限等问题。文章回顾了 COFs 材料的发展背景,选取吸附、催化和储能这三个方面的应用进行详细说明,分析 COFs 材料能被应用到这三个领域的原因,列举最新的研究成果,并阐述了 COFs 与特定分子结合在不同条件下应用的机理,总结各领域应用的异同,分析在应用中存在的主要问题。最后,对于自身以及在应用中存在的问题提出针对性的建议。
      Covalent organic frame material is composed of light elements such as C, H, N, O and so on. It is a crystalline material connected by covalent bonds. It has developed rapidly in the past decade and has received close attention from researchers. Covalent organic frame materials have the advantages of good stability, low density, regular and orderly pore structure, structure predictability and design, and are widely used in the important fields such as adsorption, catalysis, energy storage, biosensor and fluorescence recognition, but they have problems such as the synthesis difficulties and limited synthesis methods. This paper reviews the development background of COF material, select adsorption, catalysis, energy storage, the application of these three aspects in detail, analysis of the COF material can be applied to the three fields, list the latest research results, and expounds the COF and specific molecules application mechanism under different conditions, summarizes the similarities and differences of applications in different fields, analyze the main problems existing in the application. Finally, put forward targeted suggestions for itself and the problems existing in the application.
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